INGOs play an important role in enhancing Nepal’s tourism sector through various initiatives. INGOs Enhance Nepal’s Tourism through sustainable tourism, cultural preservation, and environmental protection, all of which are important for attracting and retaining tourists.

Key roles played by INGOs in improving tourism in Nepal:

Sustainable tourism development:

INGOs work closely with local communities to promote sustainable tourism practices. These include supporting eco-friendly housing, encouraging responsible walking and hiking practices, and promoting natural and cultural heritage conservation. By doing so, INGOs help ensure that tourism benefits local communities while minimizing environmental impacts.

Capacity building and training:

INGOs provide training and capacity-building programs to local communities, hospitality professionals and tourism entrepreneurs. This includes training in customer service, language skills, and sustainable business practices. By enhancing the skills of people involved in the tourism sector, INGOs help improve the overall quality of services offered to tourists.

Infrastructure development:

INGOs often collaborate with local governments and communities to improve infrastructure in tourist areas. This may include the development of roads, bridges, sanitation facilities as well as tourism information centres. Improved infrastructure makes it easy and safe for tourists to travel and visit different parts of Nepal.

Cultural and Heritage Conservation:

INGOs support the conservation of Nepal’s rich cultural and historical heritage, an important tourist attraction. This includes restoring historical monuments, supporting traditional arts and crafts, and promoting cultural festivals. By preserving Nepal’s cultural heritage, INGOs help attract cultural tourists interested in exploring the country’s history and traditions.

Environmental Conservation:

INGOs are actively involved in conservation efforts to preserve Nepal’s natural landscape and biodiversity. These include national parks, wildlife sanctuaries, and conservation of endangered species. By protecting the natural environment, INGOs help maintain pristine landscapes that attract nature and adventure tourists to Nepal.

Marketing and Promotion:

Some international organizations are also involved in promoting Nepal as a tourist destination. This includes creating marketing campaigns that highlight the country’s unique attractions, such as trekking routes, cultural heritage and adventure sports opportunities. By creating awareness about Nepal’s tourism potential, INGOs help attract more international visitors.

Disaster Management and Recovery:

INGOs play an important role in the recovery of the tourism sector from natural disasters and other crises. For example, after the 2015 earthquake, INGOs provided support to rebuild tourism infrastructure and restore tourist confidence in Nepal as a safe destination. Their efforts in crisis management and recovery are essential to sustain tourism in the long term.

Various International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) play an important role in the growth of various sectors in Nepal including tourism by promoting sustainable development, protecting cultural and natural heritage and improving local capacities.

INGOs involved in tourism and related sectors

World Wildlife Fund (WWF)

Focus: Environmental protection and sustainable tourism.

Contribution: Conserving Nepal’s natural habitats and biodiversity, including endangered species such as snow leopards and Bengal tigers, is an integral part of ecotourism.

ICIMOD (International Center for Integrated Mountain Development)

Focus: Mountain ecosystems and livelihoods.

Contribution: Promote sustainable tourism in the Himalayas in collaboration with local communities to protect the fragile mountain environment.

SNV Netherlands Development Organisation

Focus: Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Development.

Contribution: Enhancing infrastructure and services in remote areas, encouraging poverty alleviation through tourism and supporting community-based tourism.

Mountain Institute (TMI)

Focus: Conservation and development in hilly areas.

Contribution: To promote sustainable trekking and adventure tourism in the Himalayas while protecting the natural and cultural heritage.

Tourism for Rural Poverty Alleviation Program (TRPAP).

Focus: Poverty alleviation through tourism.

Contribution: Although no longer active, TRPAP laid the foundation for community-based tourism initiatives that benefit rural areas.

Conservation International (CI)

Focus: Environmental protection and sustainable development.

Contribution: Creating protected areas and promoting sustainable tourism practices that protect natural ecosystems and strengthen local economies.

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

Focus: Wildlife Conservation and Environmental Education.

Contribution: Conservation of Nepal’s wildlife and natural areas, essential for ecotourism, maintaining natural landscapes and biodiversity that attract tourists.


Focus: Social justice, economic development, and disaster risk reduction.

Contribution: Supporting community resilience, indirectly benefiting tourism by stabilizing disaster-affected areas.

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Focus: Poverty reduction, gender equality, and disaster response.

Contribution: Supporting tourism indirectly through improved local conditions, developing infrastructure and empowering communities.

Save the Children

Focus: Child rights, health care, and education.

Contribution: Enhancement of education and healthcare in tourist areas, improving the overall visitor experience.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF)

Focus: Medical aid in times of crisis.

Contribution: Providing health care in emergencies, helping to stabilize areas dependent on tourism.


Focus: Development assistance in water, food security, and education.

Contribution: Improved rural infrastructure and livelihoods, indirectly supporting tourism.

A room for reading

Focus: Education and literacy programs.

Contribution: Enhancement of educational infrastructure in areas that also attract tourists.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Focus: Disaster Relief and Community Health.

Contribution: Supporting recovery efforts in disaster-affected tourist areas.

These INGOs are essential for promoting and sustaining tourism in Nepal by focusing on sustainable practices, community engagement, and conservation of natural and cultural heritage that make Nepal a unique destination for travelers.